Thursday, October 15, 2009

Make A Difference

As the season changes into Fall it makes us think of pumpkins, raking leaves, candy, and Thanksgiving just around the corner. But it also makes us think of Harvest. And when we think of the word Harvest here at LifeLight we think about the Harvest Jesus told us about.

He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2

Yes, we all love the beautiful changing colors of the leaves and trees, and we love all the candy at harvest festivals, sweet corn and more, but most importantly let’s think about how we can make a difference in another person’s life! All it takes is a helping hand, a listening ear, or a kind gesture all in the love of Jesus. Whether you leave an evangelistic tract in a public restroom, or you ask your waiter if they attend church, we hope and pray that you would see how great the need is and how plentiful the harvest is and DO SOMETHING about it!

Rachelle Brewer
Missions Coordinator

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Festival Ministry Report

“I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good.” Psalm 52:9 (NIV). Our God is an awesome God! What a privilege it is to be used by Him to further His Kingdom. Our 2009 LifeLight Festival Ministry Report is moving; many lives were touched by the love and hope of Jesus Christ!

But what goes on “outside the walls” of the LifeLight Festival? Did you know that the festival goes beyond the fields, tents, masses of people and stages? LifeLight is honored to minister to many others in need of a Savior who are unable to attend the festival.

On Saturday afternoon, Lincoln Brewster visited Avera Behavioral Health Center, bringing music and the Good News to many in need of Hope.

On Sunday morning, evangelist Andrew Palau visited the inmates at the South Dakota State Penitentiary and shared the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

On Sunday afternoon, we had the opportunity to bless a 6-year old boy with a rare bone marrow failure disorder with a home visit from Tait and Duncan of the Newsboys.

Thousands of lives were touched by the saving grace of Jesus Christ at the festival as well. Our prayer counselors report a busier year than ever before in the prayer tents! A regular flow of individuals, couples and families streamed into the tents seeking Hope. Here is a preliminary report:

Gospel Booklets: We handed out over 9,000.

Gospel Tracts: We handed out over 10,000.

Bibles: Gifts provided 3,000. We ran out of Bibles for children and teens at 2:00 PM Saturday.

Prayer Counselors: We trained over 500 volunteers through live and video training to minister in the prayer tents.

Prayer Ministry: We had constant prayer activity and ministry each day from early morning until after closing at midnight. Hundreds and hundreds of decisions for Christ and prayer needs on response cards submitted.

Child Sponsorships: 125 children from Belo, Ethiopia were sponsored at the festival. More are still coming in.

We are still gathering information and statistics, so some numbers will change in coming weeks.

Praise to the Lord, the harvest is plentiful. To God be the Glory!!!

Alan & Vicki Greene

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What a weekend!

Now that it’s over, what’s next? Currently, we are in the midst of cleaning up from a fantastic festival. Staff and volunteers are still on their feet working tirelessly to clean up the festival grounds. Without a doubt, this was a record breaking year. For the first time ever, the LifeLight Festival ran out of parking. People parked in the ditches along the gravel roads, nothing stopped the people from coming and the crowd just kept growing. This was a record breaking year for single day attendance!

But the ministry of LifeLight in many ways is only just beginning. God moved in miraculous ways and many came to Christ. As I am writing this, I have a box of response cards in front of me. Throughout the festival weekend, a missionary volunteer prayed over each and every card individually. Many tears fall down our faces as we read of the many hurts; “I need help with my sex addiction,” “I want Jesus in my heart and to break my pornography addiction,” “My family ripped apart and I tried filling it with everything but God,” “I have been trying to commit suicide for many years now.” The ministry of discipleship begins now.

Our year-round ministry also kicks off immediately post festival. With the festival just closing this past Sunday night, I am already busy preparing to speak at the SEA meeting on Thursday and will give the invocation at Cry Out America on Friday. LifeLight Missions is hosting missionaries from Mexico and our Student Ministries team is gearing up for a school assembly this Wednesday evening as well as preparing for the See You At The Pole Rally on September 23rd. Planning for the upcoming Fall Tour (Nov 4-15) is underway with just two cities left to fill. While the Festival is our most visible area of ministry, the ministry of LifeLight is a year-round work.

I want to extend my sincere thanks to all of our many volunteers! And thank you to everyone who came to the festival. We pray that you were richly blessed.

To God be the Glory!!!

For the Kingdom,

Alan Greene

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Ultimate Retweet!

The LifeLight Festival is almost upon us and we have been flooding you with social network news, videos and invitations to the festival.

Isn’t technology an amazing thing?

Some of you younger people receive like 96 text messages on average every day, not to mention facebook, twitter, etc. Here’s a recent tweet on my page:

Quote on Tweeting: Does God tweet? Jesus was the original Tweep. He was always saying cool stuff that got him new followers - the Bible is the ultimate RT

But facebook, twitter and social networking are nothing to God. He wants us connected to Him 24/7

We can communicate ourselves, and our profiles around the world! What an opportunity to not only communicate with each other but to get Gods message out.

Yet with all this technology and all our communication devices people are lonelier, more disconnected and possibly less unified than ever.

Here’s the most amazing thing…the God of the universe (your creator) desires to have a relationship with you, in fact a friendship with you and me. He calls us friends. How awesome is that!

Enjoy the music and the message but remember to stay connected to God.

John 15: 5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.”

Spreading the Word,

Alan Greene
Follow me on Twitter @LifeLightAlan

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Be ready and willing to meet Jesus!

Be ready and willing to meet Jesus! He will transform and fix your broken life.

The Bible says, “That anyone who comes to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2nd Corinthians 5:17

It moves me to see how much God loves us and meets us in the time of our greatest need. I just came from the festival grounds where all the setup is taking place. A couple approached me and said, “God saved our marriage last year at the festival! We are here to help and serve by volunteering.” This was quite a moving story because while one of them had to learn how to truly forgive, the other had to really release everything to Jesus and truly repent (turn away from sin and walk with Jesus). During the song 'Above All' by Michael W. Smith, Jesus met them and restored them as a couple, and as parents. You could see both of them and their daughter beaming with joy.

At the mere mention of His name, “Jesus” the Holy Spirit is set into motion and God is there to rescue us. What a friend we have in Jesus! The only true hope for any of us is in surrendering to Him. I hope you will trust Him today and cry out to Him. He will hear you and rescue you right where you are.

For the Kingdom,

Alan Greene

"Taking the Church outside the walls"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Are You a Witness?

Are you a good witness or bad witness? The bible says we are all witnesses. There are four characteristics of a witness, three for a courtroom witness and the fourth for a Christian witness.

1) A witness must have good character in court and in life. Your lifestyle must be consistent.

2) A witness must have seen or experienced something. Each person’s perspective might be different but it is valid. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all experienced Jesus but each had a unique way of expressing the same event.

3) A witness is someone who tells of his or her experience. If a man with a good reputation saw something and was subpoenaed to appear in court and said nothing he would be held in contempt of court.

4) This fourth characteristic of a witness pertains only to a Christian. This is the aspect of being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is interesting to note: in the New Testament the phrase ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’ and what immediately follows it in almost every situation. They spoke the word boldly.

Acts 4:8 “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them”

Acts 4:31 “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”

Eph 5:18 “Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”

I pray you are overflowing with the Holy Spirit and ready at any time to boldly speak the word of God.


Daily scripture @LifeLightAlan on twitter

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ambassador for Christ

I read a story one time about a gathering of angels who had gathered around the Lord Jesus Christ after He had come back from earth. They were asking Him questions, and one angel said, "Lord, how are you going to spread the Gospel message throughout the world?" Well, the Lord Jesus said, "I have called out some disciples to carry out my Great Commission. They in turn will go and share this wonderful message with others who will respond, and they in turn will go and share with others who need to be saved."

Surprised, the angel said, "Are you telling me that you have entrusted the task of getting out the message of eternal life and salvation to those earthlings counting on them to be witnesses to the Gospel message and take the gospel around the world?"

The Lord Jesus said, "That’s absolutely right."

The angel said, "Well Lord, if they don’t do what you command them to do, what is Plan B?" To which the Lord replied, "There is No Plan B.”

If you want to know how God intends to reach a lost world for Jesus Christ, go home and look in the mirror. It’s not just the responsibility of pastors and evangelists to spread the gospel around the world. It’s up to all of us.

There is no Plan B.

If we do not do it in the power of God’s Spirit, it will not be done. 2nd Corinthians 5:20 "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us”.

Be an ambassador for Jesus!

Alan Greene
LifeLight Communications, Inc.

Twitter: @LifeLightAlan

"Taking the Church outside the walls"